Saturday, July 5, 2008

NPR, the land of pansies

NPR is full of pansies who don't have the moral fortitude to say no to their own children. When was the last time you heard a controversial opinion from anybody there? Instead they tow the administrations line in their passive non-aggressive style. They are afraid to stick their heads up and get swatted. I suppose that's what happened with Bob Edwards. He had balls and said no and they fired him a day before his pension was to kick in. Apparently the Bush administrator that got hired to oversee NPR did have balls and knew that nobody else at NPR would stick up for Bob Edwards. He was right.

So why listen to NPR now? They tow the administrations line. It's just one lie after another and is no better than any of the other "news sources" you might watch on television. Perhaps a little less about police blotter and who's divorcing who. But it's not much better. There's very little reason to listen to their lies. They do talk about more important subjects. You can basically get an idea of what some of the important subjects are and the politically correct propaganda you are suppose to believe about them by listening to NPR. But to get the real information you need to listen to something that's not controlled by the Bush administration. Say

I guess I'm ranting because NPR is 24x7 whereas is 1x5. Where can one go to get real information on the world? It's tough living in the English speaking world where propaganda is the rule rather than the exception.

Monday, June 9, 2008

More Pension Problems

NPR has a propaganda article on Morning Edition about pensions:

Book Examines Looming Pension Debts in America

Listen Now [7 min 46 sec] add to playlist

Morning Edition, June 9, 2008 · Business journalist Roger Lowenstein's new book, While America Aged, looks at how corporations and governments came to make pension and health care obligations to workers and what is happening as the bills come due. Host Renee Montagne talks about the book with Lowenstein.

Here they talk about how pensions are keeping America back and uncompetitive in a world market. At the very end she quotes from the book that pensions are responsible for a huge long list from seemingly fat people, San Diego's budget, to all American business.

Now lets stop with the stupid American idiocy and look at what pensions really are. Every employee pays into this fund and the company pays you less because they also paid into the pension plan. Unfortunately most companies decided never to pay into a fund. And they certainly did not separate these accounts from their own financial accounts. So if they go bankrupt all the money owed to the employees goes poof. Pension plans in America were just another way of ripping off the workers.

The solution? Use propaganda to make people think pension plans are left over from socialistic unions that have no part in a lean and mean competitive America.

Soon we'll be seeing our schools de-funded even more, most of our highways that are actually useable will become toll roads, all government services will charge, and the propaganda machines working our matrix will keep people distracted with reality shows and sports so people don't think about these sort of things.

And they'll be working our matrix with the help of NPR as seen above.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The perfect scripting language?

The "Linux Journal" has an article called "How to be a good (and lazy) System Administrator". It's interesting. It assumes you are good at writing bash scripts. It goes along with their heavy emphasis lately of Bash scripts.

Bash is far from being universal though. It's not on real unix boxes. And it's certainly not on windows boxes. There are no universal scripting languages. So which language to use? PHP obviously.

PHP is a clean language. Compare it to say PERL. PERL proudly claims there are more than one way to do anything you want. Problem is that everybody does it in their own goofy hard to follow style. It's a very dirty language that is difficult to understand because of this. Basically PERL has been built up by building scabs upon scabs upon scabs until anything and everything is a mess. PHP, Python, and the newer languages are clean. So if you want maintainability you do not use PERL but you can use PHP.

PHP has a good selection of library routines to cover almost anything you need. Whether you want to handle XML, HTML, CGI, CLI, Genetics, Math, Statistics, Physica, Chemistry, Text processing, etc., PHP has good free libraries for virtually everything. It's not as good as PERL. However the framework is in place if not complete and is actively being improved. Python and the other languages don't even have the framework in place.

Universal acceptance. PHP is available on most all boxes regardless of the OS. This makes the language boring to kiddies. But not to egoless programmers needing results PHP is perfect.

Why the Linux Journal still pushes niche scripting languages like BASH is disconcerting. Attempting to lead programmers down proprietary closed solutions is something I'd expect from M$, not the Linux Journal.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Checkoff list for good songs

There are a few rules I'd follow if I were to ever come out with my own music.

1) I would not moan after some love. Or pine for some love.
2) Cutsie didies that make your head bob up and down. These vacuous inane tunes have no place.
3) Religion. (Unless it is bashing it.)

The DOs:
1) Good rifts.
2) Lyrics that mean something useful. This could be stories on political times. Struggles. Useful common sense information. Etc..

Perhaps one could start with Isop'sfables and make songs based on them with modern day examples with a good rift to them. Then progress to Socrates and move on from there.

Hilary and her June statements

Hilary keeps talking about how her Husband did not show signs of winning until June. When she's not mentioning that she is talking about how Kennedy was killed in June. That it would be premature to admit defeat a month before June. That the race is far from over as shown in the above two examples.

I have not heard any political pundits talk about how baseless her claims are because of most of the States across the nation have moved up their elections to the first half of the year. It's like comparing the amount of gold $10 could have bought you in 1840 with the gold it could buy you on todays market. You can't compare the 10ozs of gold $10 would buy then to the 1/1000 oz of gold $10 would buy now. So June of yesteryear probably had 1/3 of the delegates still up for grab. Probably the same number of delegates that would have been up for grab in say March of this current election.

Hilary really missed her calling. With all the lies and reality distortions coming out of her campaign and mouth she really should be running on the Republican side. Following Bush's lead. In fact she should have waited until the weak Democrats made fools of themselves for a term or two and then ran as a Republican. Following in the footsteps of the "greats" like Reagan and Bush. She would have fit right in!

Sleazy Ass Democratic Party

Fuck the Democrats. What a pile of shit. Worthless shit at that.

So the Democratic party told Michigan and Florida they were not allowed to move up their elections. Who knows the reason but it's their camp and they can do as they please. They probably told other States the same thing. However Florida and Michigan decided they'd do it anyways despite being told their votes would not count.

So the Democratic Party then warned the candidates not to campaign. Hilary decided to do put her name on the ballot and campaign anyways. Barak did not campaign though somebody put his name on the ballot in Florida but not Michigan. Barak honored the Democratic Patry rules. Obviously Hilary won in those two states and she made a big deal about it holding press conferences. You'd have thought at this point the Democratic party would have punished her.

Now with Hilary way behind she has been making a big stink about how unfair it is not to count these States. So what does the Democratic party do? They decide to count these states and give her half the votes.

Still she'll be far behind Barak. This keeps her in a little longer. Yet it shows just how weak and worthless the Democratic party is. They are spineless.

There are positives though. Several in fact. These immediately come to mind:

1) She will eat up probably 50 million more of her personal fortune. Hopefully leaving her broke.

2) It makes the Democratic party out to be totally spineless.

3) Hilary, basically another Joseph Libermann, will be ruined politically and never again threaten to hold political office.

Asta la vista bitch.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blankets and Trailers

Today I hear news that the trailers given to the Katrina victims to live in need to be destroyed because they have 5x more formaldehyde than the limit. These are the people the Republicans said, paraphrasing, "God removed those we've been trying to get rid of for decades". The insurance companies in most cases found excuses or delayed until the insured gave up. The Government was even worse. Now a few years later people have forgotten the whole mess. And so the trailers are scheduled to be destroyed and the victims thrown out. This organized governmental mean-spiritedness knows no bounds. Not even when we gave smallpox laced blankets to the Indians in the hopes of killing them were we so mean spirited. This new level of politics is so self destructive you'd think we've been invaded by another country bent on destroying us. Do our politicians get in to office because everybody is too scared to counter these disgusting bullies?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fidel Castro Vs Barak Obama

So Obama came out swinging saying he'll continue the embargo on Cuba. Stating it was totally undemocratic and unfair what Cuba has done to generations. I guess he forgot what the USA did to them up until Castro took back the country. Up until then the USA killed and abused the country as if they were a slave race. Fidel after hearing Obama spewing merely stated that despite Obama being the most progressive farsighted presidential candidate in 2008 he is still lacking. That prescribing the continuation of the embargo will ensure more suffering and hunger for Cuba.

Fidel seems to call most trends accurately long before they happen. Probably better than me. For instance a few years back he accurately described the problems with biofuel. Unfortunately any time he steps in and pontificates it's usually about something he has little control over. America merely stands up and says Fidel is crazy and contradicts him. Now however it's obvious to most people biofuel has caused world hunger and has not helped the green movement at all.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2008 3rd party presidential candidates

So we've got Hillary, McCain, and Obama. All of which will continue the war in Iraq for years and years. There policies are all remarkably the same despite their images. Their images are McCain will be there for 100 years and beyond. Hillary as carrying on the current policy. And Obama to leave. Looking closely you'll see they all say, in the fine print, they'll be there as long as needed and have no intention of leaving soon.

There are alternatives. Like Ralph Nader and tens of others. As can be seen at,_2008

The press will never give much if any press coverage to anybody but the Democrats and Republicans which they get their money from. You have to read up on these 3rd party candidates. Until people start voting for what they are really interested in, which they don't have the time for, we'll continue to get lobbyist owned Democrats and Republicans.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hillary out of control

This week was incredible. Hillary has compared her campaign to the blacks winning their freedom. Then she said she has to stay in the election because Obama may be killed next month in June like Kennedy was. She apologized for that so I guess even she saw that was way out. Then she compared the Jewish population in Florida to those living in Zimbabwe under Mugabe.

Then there are all those women who say the populace is sexist because they don't excuse Hillary for these incredible statements. I say if they want to find sexist problems they should invest in a mirror...

Friday, May 23, 2008

The Myamar Hunta Vs the Bush Hunta: Which is better?

Myramar, as they like to call themselves, or Burma as the rest of the World which doesn't seem to like them has been making the news a lot. I don't know anything about that country. However they are now letting other countries help them out after the big cyclone. Our western press has been saying their dictators were keeping out humanitarian help from outside sources because they were evil, evil, evil. Well they have now opened up to all the outside sources.

Compare this with Bush after Katrina. So many countries had boats with doctors and laborers lined up off the shore afterwards waiting to help. Bush never let them in because they were contrary to his political beliefs.

It's obvious on this point Myranmar/Burma is much more open than the USA.